LEAN CUISINE - print + TV + social
It's 2018. (Okay obviously not anymore, but it was when we made this). Lean Cuisine has gone organic.
And there's no going back.
It's also worth noting that the new Origins line is M E A T L E S S (!!)
So we created a 1/3 page ad to showcase the veggie options.
We created another 1/3 page ad but too many vegetarians got too excited and it was literally chaos. Vegetariansanity, some would say.
Obviously we had to pull it from the shelves.
Patrice Banks. She’s a badass woman who owns her own auto shop slash nail salon (because women are multi-faceted) in Philly. We love her as a face of Lean Cuisine because she’s empowering. And empowering women empower women. Plus she actually eats Lean Cuisine when she’s at work because they’re delightful and easy.
Word on the street is that Elizabeth Banks saw our spot and liked it so much that she decided to create a TV show about Patrice.
It’s whatever. We’re flattered.
P.P.S. we created a virtual handful of videos to be used on Twitter.
According to Data™️, most users won't watch these with sound.
But you should, because they're so much sexier with sound.
Created while at Grey New York