drawing helps me step away from words
But they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
So I guess these are essays.
sometimes i dabble in sincere writing
This is not that
5 reasons they should have named the Squatty Potty the Stool Stool:
Oh no! Big dick energy isn’t renewable!
Global warming: That really was the last straw!
What to expect when you’re expecting your local Planned Parenthood to close soon.
New shoes so white they brought ranch dressing.
Do you see Jesus in this avocado toast?
9 tattoos that will fill the empty space on your arm, but not in your heart.
Uh oh! The MTA is in retrograde!
Friend who’s done 14 experimental drugs still smarter than your boss.
The boys are back in town! Oh, it’s for their father’s funeral?
Soothing lavender and chamomile vaginal wipes perfect for when you just can’t get your hooha to go the fuck to sleep.
Never having to worry about shaving bikini line definite plus of chemotherapy.
I started vaping to ease into smoking cigarettes. Here’s why:
Man with bible verse tattoo still ready to push you out of the way to fit on the train.
New evidence shows iPhone listening to you more than your boyfriend.